Translation projects API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/projects/indiana-jones-and-the-fate-of-atlantis/statistics/" }{ "total": 11736, "total_words": 74594, "total_chars": 670226, "last_change": null, "recent_changes": 0, "translated": 5868, "translated_words": 37297, "translated_percent": 50.0, "translated_words_percent": 50.0, "translated_chars": 335113, "translated_chars_percent": 50.0, "fuzzy": 0, "fuzzy_percent": 0.0, "fuzzy_words": 0, "fuzzy_words_percent": 0.0, "fuzzy_chars": 0, "fuzzy_chars_percent": 0.0, "failing": 1, "failing_percent": 0.1, "approved": 0, "approved_percent": 0.0, "approved_words": 0, "approved_words_percent": 0.0, "approved_chars": 0, "approved_chars_percent": 0.0, "readonly": 5868, "readonly_percent": 50.0, "readonly_words": 37297, "readonly_words_percent": 50.0, "readonly_chars": 335113, "readonly_chars_percent": 50.0, "suggestions": 0, "comments": 0, "name": "Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis", "url": "