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4 years ago
Please read health and safety warnings in your VR headset instruction manual before playing Beat Saber. Because you may be encouraged to perform intense action with your controllers also make sure to review your surroundings and clear any obstacles in your play area before starting the game. Always remember to stay in the center of the cleared play area and do not walk around.
Playing Beat Saber requires high physical activity so follow the same habits as doing a regular workout. Don't forget to stretch before playing and rest regularly in between levels. Some people may experience muscle soreness. If you experience this then immediately stop playing the game and rest.
Beat Saber-en jokatu aurretik, irakurri osasun eta segurtasun abisuak zure VR betaurrekoen gidaliburuan. Aginteekin akziora animatzen duenez jolasak, jokatzen hasi aurretik, miatu ingurua eta jolastokian aurki daitezkeen oztopoak kentzeaz. Ez ahaztu jolastoki erdian egon behar duzula, eta ez ibili oinez alde batetik bestera.
Beat Saber-en jokatzeak ahalmen fisiko handia eskatzen du, beraz,